How Do I Find My Local Host in WordPress?

It can be a bit daunting to figure out how to find your local WordPress host. After all, your WordPress site is hosted on a remote server somewhere.

But don’t worry, there’s a straightforward way to find your local WordPress host.

To find your local WordPress host, first open your web browser and navigate to your WordPress site’s domain name (for example, Next, input the full domain name into a Google search engine (for example,


If you’re using a hosted WordPress site, the WordPress host will likely provide you with the domain name and server address. If you’re using a self-hosted WordPress site, you’ll need to find the domain name and server address yourself.

Once you’ve located your local WordPress host, you can enter it into your web browser’s address bar. For example, if your local WordPress host is example.

com, you would enter into your web browser’s address bar.

Finally, if you’re using a hosted WordPress site, you’ll need to enter your WordPress host’s login information into your web browser. If you’re using a self-hosted WordPress site, you’ll need to enter your WordPress site’s username and password.