How Do I Find My Activity Log on WordPress?

If you’ve been using WordPress for a while, you may have already noticed that your activity log is located in the “Posts” tab of your WordPress dashboard. To find it, click on “Posts” in the main navigation bar, and then on the “History” tab.

If you’re not sure where your activity log is, you can also access it by clicking on the “Activity Log” link in the “Posts” menu.

Once you’ve located your activity log, you’ll see a list of all the posts you’ve ever made on your WordPress site. To see a list of the posts in your current blog post, for example, click on the “View Post” link next to the post’s title.

If you want to see a list of all the posts you’ve ever made on your WordPress site, regardless of when they were published, click on the “All Posts” link at the top of the activity log. This list will include posts that are older than the posts you currently have selected.

If you want to see a list of posts only from the current blog post, click on the “Post” link next to the post you want to view.

If you want to delete a post from your activity log, click on the “Delete” link next to the post’s title.

Finally, if you want to export your activity log as a CSV file, click on the “Export” link next to the post’s title. This will generate a file named “activity.

csv” in your WordPress document root.