How Do I Find Custom Taxonomy Value in WordPress?

Custom taxonomy values are important for WordPress as they enable you to create and manage specific taxonomy terms within your blog content. To find custom taxonomy values in WordPress, you can use the following methods:

1. Use the “Add New” metabox in the WordPress admin area and enter the text you want to use as a custom taxonomy term.

2. Use the “Search” function within the WordPress admin area to find the text you want to use as a custom taxonomy term.

3. Use the “Manage Taxonomies” function in the WordPress admin area to view and edit the custom taxonomy terms.

4. Use the “Custom Taxonomy” function in the WordPress admin area to create and manage custom taxonomy terms.

5. Use the “Import” function in the WordPress admin area to import custom taxonomy terms from another WordPress blog.

6. Use the “Export” function in the WordPress admin area to export custom taxonomy terms to a file.

7. Use the “Toggle Taxonomy” function in the WordPress admin area to enable or disable custom taxonomy terms.