How Do I Find CSS in WordPress?

In order to find and use CSS within your WordPress site, you will first need to locate the stylesheet within the WordPress installation. To do so, open the Appearance » Theme Options page and locate the Stylesheet section. Within this section, you will see a list of all the stylesheets included with the WordPress installation.

To locate the CSS for your site, select the stylesheet you wish to use and click on the filename link to open the file in a new window. Within this file, you will find all of the CSS rules that were used to style the site.

Once you have located the CSS file, you can begin to modify it to suit your needs. To begin, you will need to identify the sections of the CSS file that you wish to modify. Within the file, each style rule is listed in a section called “style.

” Within each style section, you will find three types of rules: selector, declaration, and property. The selector rule defines the type of element that the style will apply to, the declaration rule defines the property of the element that the style will set, and the property rule defines the value of the property.

Selector Rules

The selector rule for a style rule specifies the type of element that the style will apply to. Within the style rule, you will find a selector list that lists all the elements within the document that the style will apply to. The selector list for a style rule is comma-separated.

The first element in the selector list is the type of selector that you will use to select the elements that you wish to style. Within the WordPress installation, there are three types of selectors that you will use: type, ID, and class.


The type selector is used to select the type of element that you wish to style. Within the WordPress installation, this selector is used to style the document content, the document header, and the document body.


The ID selector is used to select the element within the document that you wish to style. Within the WordPress installation, this selector is used to style the document header and the document footer.


The class selector is used to select the class name that you wish to apply to the element that you have selected with the ID selector. Within the WordPress installation, this selector is used to style the document content, the document header, and the document footer.

Once you have located the selector rule for the style rule that you wish to modify, you can begin to modify the declaration and property rules for the style rule.

Declaration Rules

The declaration rule for a style rule specifies the property of the element that the style will set. Within the style rule, you will find a declaration list that lists all the properties of the element that the style will set. The declaration list for a style rule is comma-separated.

The first element in the declaration list is the type of declaration that you will use to set the property. Within the WordPress installation, there are three types of declarations that you will use: keyword, value, and unit.


The keyword declaration is used to set the property to the keyword value. Within the WordPress installation, this declaration is used to set the text-transform property to “uppercase.”


The value declaration is used to set the property to the value that you specify. Within the WordPress installation, this declaration is used to set the text-transform property to “lowercase.”


The unit declaration is used to set the property to the value that you specify in terms of pixels, percentages, oremmases. Within the WordPress installation, this declaration is used to set the width and height properties to “100%.”

Once you have located the declaration rule for the style rule that you wish to modify, you can begin to modify the property rules for the style rule.

Property Rules

The property rule for a style rule specifies the value of the property. Within the style rule, you will find a property list that lists all the properties of the element that the style will set. The property list for a style rule is comma-separated.

The first element in the property list is the type of property that you will use to set the property. Within the WordPress installation, there are three types of properties that you will use: keyword, value, and unit.

The keyword property is used to set the property to the keyword value. Within the WordPress installation, this property is used to set the text-transform property to “uppercase.”

The value property is used to set the property to the value that you specify. Within the WordPress installation, this property is used to set the text-transform property to “lowercase.”
