How Do I Find Colors in WordPress?

Finding colors in WordPress can be a little daunting if you’re not used to working with color palettes. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to find the colors you’re looking for.

The first step is to open your theme’s style.css file.

This file contains all of the styling information for your WordPress site, and you’ll want to search for a section that deals with colors.

Once you find the section, you’ll want to scroll down until you find the color palette declaration. This is a set of rules that tells WordPress which colors to use when displaying different elements on your site.

To find the color you’re looking for, you’ll need to identify the hex code for the color you’re interested in. hex codes are a standard way of representing colors on computers, and they look like this: #rrggbb.

To convert the hex code to a color name, you can use a website like

Once you have the color name, you can use it in your style.css file to select the appropriate color for your theme.