How Do I Find and Replace Text in WordPress?

When you want to change text within a WordPress post or page, you can use a number of different methods. The most direct way to edit text is to use the text editor in your browser, which is what most people do when they make simple changes like adding a new paragraph or fixing a typo.

If you want to make more complex changes, you can use a WordPress plugin, a WordPress shortcut, or a WordPress command line tool.

Plugin Options

The most common way to edit text in WordPress is to use a plugin. There are a number of plugins that let you change text, including the popular TextWrangler and the WordPress text editor Add Media.

To use a plugin, you first need to add it to your WordPress installation. You can find plugins on the WordPress.

org website, or you can find them in the WordPress plugin repository, which is a collection of plugins that have been tested and approved by the WordPress team.

Once you have added a plugin, you can open it in your browser and find the options that let you change text. The most common option is the Text widget, which is a box that you can drag and drop into your post or page.

WordPress Shortcuts

Another way to change text in WordPress is to use a WordPress shortcut. You can find shortcuts in the WordPress menu (under the WordPress Tools menu), or you can find them by searching for “WordPress shortcuts” on Google.

WordPress commands

Finally, you can also use WordPress commands to change text. To do this, you need to open your WordPress admin area (by clicking on the admin bar at the top of your screen, or by entering wp admin in your browser’s address bar), and then enter the command text in the WordPress command line interface (CLI).

For example, to change the text in a post, you would enter the following command:

php wp post content

To change the text in a page, you would enter the following command:

php wp page content


There are a number of ways to change text in WordPress, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you are just looking to change a single word or sentence, the plugin or shortcut options are the quickest and easiest way to go.

If you want to make more complex changes, using a plugin is the most efficient way to go. However, using a plugin can be time-consuming, so if you are just looking to make a few simple changes, the shortcuts are the best option.

Finally, if you are using WordPress commands, you should be aware that they can be more complex than using either the plugin or shortcut options, but they can also be more powerful.