How Do I Find a Font on WordPress?

Finding a font on WordPress can be a bit of a challenge. There are a few ways to go about it.

One way is to use the WP Smush plugin. This plugin will compress various files on your site, including the fonts.

This can save you a lot of space on your site.

Another way to find a font is to use the Google Fonts plugin. This plugin will allow you to search for fonts on Google.

You can then install the fonts that you find.

One last way to find a font is to use the FTP plugin. This plugin will allow you to upload and download files from your server.

You can then use the FTP plugin to download the fonts that you want.

In conclusion, finding a font on WordPress can be a bit of a challenge. One way is to use the WP Smush plugin. Another way is to use the Google Fonts plugin.

This plugin will allow you to search for fonts on Google. You can then install the fonts that you find. One last way is to use the FTP plugin.