How Do I Filter My WordPress Blog?

There are a few different methods you can use to filter your WordPress blog posts. One way is to use a custom post type.

For example, you could create a custom post type called “Blog Posts” and then use the “inherit” filter to only include posts that are in that custom post type.

Another way to filter your posts is to use the “date” filter. You can use this filter to determine which posts were published on the date you specify.

For example, you could use the “date” filter to only include posts that were published on January 1st.

Another way to filter your posts is to use the “slug” filter. You can use this filter to determine which posts have a specific slug.

For example, you could use the “slug” filter to only include posts with the slug “blogging-tips.”.

Finally, you can also use the “taxonomy” filter to determine which posts are in a specific taxonomy. For example, you could use the “taxonomy” filter to only include posts in the “Blog Posts” custom post type.