How Do I Export All Text From a WordPress Site?

WordPress is a popular content management system that allows users to create a website from scratch, or to improve an existing website. The WordPress platform is easy to use and provides a wealth of resources, including a built-in text editor that allows users to easily export text from their site.

To export all text from a WordPress site, follow these steps:

1. Launch the WordPress text editor.

2. Navigate to the site’s content area.

3. Select all text using the keyboard shortcut “A.”

4. Click the “export” button in the WordPress text editor’s toolbar.

5. Select a destination for the exported text files.

6. Click the “export” button to begin exporting the text files.

7. Once the export process is complete, open the exported text files in a text editor of your choice.

8. Review the exported text files to ensure that all text has been exported correctly.

9. Finally, make any necessary corrections to the exported text and save the files.

The exported text files should now be ready for use in your own content management system or website.


exporting text from a WordPress site is easy with the help of the WordPress text editor. Simply select all the text you want to export, click the “export” button, and select a destination for the exported text files.

Once the export process is complete, open the exported text files in a text editor of your choice for final review and correction.