How Do I Expire a WordPress Post?

If you want to expire a WordPress post, you first need to determine the post’s expiration date. To do this, open the post in your post editor and look for the “expiration date” field.

This field displays the date the post will expire, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

To set the post’s expiration date, you can use the “expire” or “publish now” buttons in your post editor. If you use the “expire” button, WordPress will set the post’s expiration date to the current date.

If you use the “publish now” button, WordPress will set the post’s expiration date to the date you specify.

Once you’ve set the post’s expiration date, you need to make sure the post is actually expired. To do this, you can use the “invalidate” button in your post editor.

This will cause WordPress to remove the post from your blog and reset its expiration date to the current date.