How Do I Exclude a Page From a WordPress Search?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used to create websites. As such, it includes a built-in search feature that allows users to search for content on the website.

If you want to exclude a page from a WordPress search, you can do so by creating a custom post type and assigning it to a page. Once you have done this, you can use the built-in search feature to exclude the page from the search results.

To create a custom post type, first open the WordPress admin area and click on the Posts menu item. Next, select the Add New Post button and enter the following information into the text box:

Title: My Custom Post Type

Description: This is a custom post type that will be used to exclude a page from a WordPress search.

Click on the Save button to create the custom post type.

Now that we have created the custom post type, we need to assign it to a page. To do this, first open the Pages menu item and select the page that you want to assign the custom post type to. Next, click on the Edit link next to the Post Type column and enter the following information into the text box:

Description: This page will use the My Custom Post Type custom post type to exclude it from a WordPress search.

Click on the Save button to finish assigning the custom post type to the page.

Now that we have created the custom post type and assigned it to a page, we need to use the built-in search feature to exclude the page from the search results. To do this, first open the WordPress admin area and click on the Posts menu item.

Next, select the My Custom Post Type entry in the Posts list and click on the Search button. Enter the following information into the Search Field and click on the Search button:.

title: My Custom Post Type

This will search for all posts that have the My Custom Post Type custom post type assigned to them.

If you want to exclude a specific post from the search results, simply enter the post’s title into the Search Field and click on the Search button.

If you want to exclude a page from the search results, simply enter the page’s name into the Search Field and click on the Search button.

Once you have completed the search, the page will be excluded from the results.

You can also exclude a page from the search results by using the built-in exclude filters.

Next, select the My Custom Post Type entry in the Posts list and click on the Filters button. Enter the following information into the Filter Field and click on the Apply Filter button:.

exclude: My Custom Post Type

This will exclude the My Custom Post Type page from the search results.

Click on the Save button to save the filter.

Now that we have excluded the page from the search results, we can conclude this tutorial by saying that you can use the built-in search feature to exclude any page from the WordPress search results.