How Do I Enable Conditional Logic in WordPress Menu?

Conditional logic is a programming feature that allows you to make decisions based on certain conditions being met. WordPress provides conditional logic in the form of if statements. To enable conditional logic in your WordPress menu, follow these steps:

1. Open the wp-config.

php file in your WordPress installation.

2. Find the following line:

define(‘WPLANG’, ‘en_US’);

3. Change the value of WPLANG to the language you want to use for conditional logic in your menus.

4. Save the file.

5. Open your WordPress menu using the menu editor.

6. Add the following lines to your menu:

if( is_user_logged_in() ) {

} else {


7. Save the menu.

8. Test your menu.

Log in to your WordPress account and click the menu item to see the conditional logic in action.

9. If you want to disable conditional logic in your menu, delete the if statements from the menu.