How Do I Edit the Top Bar in WordPress?

If you want to customize the look and feel of your WordPress site’s top bar, you can do so by editing the _top.php file.

This file is located in the wp-content/themes/yourtheme/ folder.

To edit the top bar, open _top.php and find the following line of code:

Scroll down to the bottom of the file and find the following lines of code:


The top bar template file.


ini_set(‘display_errors’, true);

ini_set(‘error_log’, ‘wp-content/themes/yourtheme/error.log’);

The first line of code requires you to include the wp-config.

This file contains configuration information for your WordPress site.

The next line of code sets some defaults for the top bar. It enables display of errors and logs errors to the wp-content/themes/yourtheme/error.

log file.

If you want to disable either of these features, you can change the value for ini_set() to false.

Now you’re ready to start customizing the top bar. To do this, you need to find the elements that you want to customize and then modify the code that surrounds them.

The first element you’ll want to modify is the title bar. Open _top.php and find the following line of code:


This line of code displays the site’s title on the top bar. You can change this title by editing the the_title() function.

Next, you’ll want to modify the links on the top bar.php and find the following line of code:

echo ‘

  • Home
  • ’;

    This line of code displays a list of links on the top bar. You can customize this list by editing the echo statement that it contains.

    To change the color of the links, open _top.php and find the following line of code:

    This line of code displays a list of links on the top bar. You can customize the color of the links by editing the echo statement that it contains.

    You can also add your own links to the top bar. To do this, open _top.php and find the following line of code:

    echo ‘

  • Posts
  • ’;

    This line of code displays a list of posts on the top bar. You can add your own links by editing the echo statement that it contains.

    You can also add links to categories and tags to the top bar.php and find the following lines of code:

    echo ‘

  • Categories
  • ’;

    This line of code displays a list of categories on the top bar. You can add your own links to categories by editing the echo statement that it contains.

    You can also add links to tags to the top bar.php and find the following line of code:

    echo ‘

  • Tags
  • ’;

    This line of code displays a list of tags on the top bar. You can add your own links to tags by editing the echo statement that it contains.

    You can also add a custom logo to the top bar.php and find the following line of code:

    echo ‘

  • Logo.