How Do I Edit the Master Slider in WordPress?

If you want to edit the Master Slider in WordPress, there are a few different ways you can go about it. The easiest way to edit the slider is to go to the Master Slider admin area, and then click on the Edit link on the right side of the slider.

This will open the slider in a new tab, and you can start editing it the same way you would any other WordPress post or page.

If you want to add or delete slides, you can do that by clicking on the + and – buttons next to the slide you want to change, and then entering the new values in the text fields that appear. You can also change the text for a slide by clicking on the text box next to it, and then entering the new text in the field that appears.

Finally, you can also edit the slides by clicking on the slide you want to edit, and then selecting the Edit Slider button that appears. This will open the slider in a new tab, and you can start editing it the same way you would any other WordPress post or page.