How Do I Edit the Dashboard Menu in WordPress?

The dashboard menu in WordPress is a comprehensive list of all the main features and options available in the WordPress admin area. It can be a bit daunting to navigate, so here are a few tips to help you get started editing the menu:

To access the dashboard menu, go to the admin area of your WordPress site, and click on the “Settings” link in the left-hand column. From here, you can access the dashboard menu by clicking on the “Menu” link in the top row.

Once you’re on the dashboard menu, you can use the menus on the left-hand side to navigate to specific areas of the admin area. The main menu includes links to all the main features of WordPress, such as the “Posts” area, the “Media” area, and the “Settings” area.

To add a new menu item to the dashboard menu, click on the “Add New” button in the bottom-left corner of the menu. This will open a new window where you can enter the name of the new menu item, as well as a brief description of what it will contain.

To edit an existing menu item, click on the “Edit” button next to the item name. This will open a new window where you can change the text of the menu item.

You can also add new menu items by clicking on the “Add New” button again, and entering the details for a new menu item.

Finally, to delete an existing menu item from the dashboard menu, click on the “Delete” button next to the item name.