How Do I Edit My WordPress Site Through SiteGround?

When you first set up your WordPress site on SiteGround, you might have been asked to enter your site’s admin username and password. If you’re not already logged in, you’ll need to do so now to continue.

Once logged in, you’ll see the SiteGround Control Panel in the left column of your dashboard. In the Control Panel, you’ll find the Edit Site button.

Click the Edit Site button to open the Edit WordPress Site page.

On the Edit WordPress Site page, you’ll see the following sections:

Site Name: This is the name of your WordPress site.

This is the name of your WordPress site. Domain: This is the domain name or IP address of your site.

This is the domain name or IP address of your site. Server Address: This is the address of your SiteGround server.

This is the address of your SiteGround server. Database: This is the name of your WordPress database.

This is the name of your WordPress database. WordPress Version: This is the version of WordPress installed on your SiteGround server.

This is the version of WordPress installed on your SiteGround server. SSL: This is checked if your site requires SSL.

This is checked if your site requires SSL. Language: This is the language of your site.

This is the language of your site. Theme: This is the name of the WordPress theme used on your site.

This is the name of the WordPress theme used on your site. Security: This is the security level of your site.

This is the security level of your site. Pages: This is the list of all the pages on your site.

This is the list of all the pages on your site. Files: This is the list of all the files on your site.

This is the list of all the files on your site. Comments: This is the list of all the comments on your site.

You can also use the Edit Site page to change any of the site’s settings. To change a setting, click the setting’s name and then enter your new value in the text box.

To save your changes, click the Save Changes button.

If you want to revert your changes, click the Revert Changes button.

If you have any questions about editing your WordPress site through SiteGround, please feel free to contact us.