How Do I Edit Menu in WordPress Mobile?

In order to edit the menu in WordPress Mobile, you will first need to open the menu in question. To do this, you can either open the main menu in the WordPress Mobile app or access the menu through the menu icon on the left-hand side of the screen.

Once you have opened the menu, you can use the menu editor to change the menu items.

To change an item in the menu, you will first need to locate the item in question. Once you have located the item, you will need to tap on it to open the menu editor. Once the menu editor has opened, you will need to use the menu options to change the item. To change the text of an item, you will need to use the text fields on the right-hand side of the editor.

To change the icon of an item, you will need to use the icons on the left-hand side of the editor. To change the position of an item, you will need to use the drag and drop tool on the bottom of the editor.

Once you have changed the item, you will need to save the changes. To do this, you will need to use the save button on the top-left of the editor.

Once you have saved the changes, you will need to close the editor.

Once you have edited the menu in WordPress Mobile, you will need to test the changes by opening the menu in question and using the menus to select an item. Once you have selected the item, you will need to press the save button to save the changes.