How Do I Edit a Link in WordPress?

How to Edit a Link in WordPress:

To edit a link in WordPress, first click on the post or page where the link is located. Then click on the “edit” button in the toolbar at the top of the page.

In the “edit text” box, you can change the link text, add a link to another post or page, or delete the link. To add a link, type the URL into the text box and click on the “publish” button.

To delete the link, type “delete” into the text box and click on the “publish” button.

When you’re finished, click on the “save” button to save your changes.

If you want to keep the link but change the text, you can do that by editing the link text in the “edit text” box and then clicking on the “publish” button.

Finally, if you want to keep the link and add a description, you can do that by editing the “description” field in the “edit text” box and then clicking on the “publish” button.