How Do I Edit a Calendar in WordPress?

When you create or edit a calendar in WordPress, you are actually creating a custom post type. The following steps will help you create a calendar:

1. Go to the Posts menu and click on the Add New Post button.

2. On the Post Editor screen, click on the Calendar tab.

3. On the Calendar screen, you will see a grid of months.

Each month has a title, date, and time. To add a new date or time, click on the Add New Item button and enter the information into the appropriate fields.

4. To delete a date or time, click on the trash can icon next to the date or time.

5. To change the title or content of a date or time, click on the title or content of the date or time and enter the new information into the appropriate fields.

6. To publish your calendar, click on the Publish button.

7. To save your calendar, click on the Save button.

Now that you have created and edited your calendar, let’s look at how to use it. To view your calendar, go to the Posts menu and click on the Calendar link.

You will then be taken to the Calendar page, where you can view the current date and time, as well as any past and future dates and times.

If you want to add a new event to your calendar, click on the Add New Event link. You will be taken to the Add New Event page, where you can enter the details of your event.

To edit an event that is already on your calendar, click on the title of the event and enter the new information into the appropriate fields. To delete an event from your calendar, click on the Delete Event link next to the event.

Finally, to publish your calendar, click on the Publish button. If you want to save your calendar for future use, click on the Save button.