How Do I Create Categories and Subcategories in WordPress?

Creating Categories and Subcategories in WordPress is a breeze. Simply navigate to the “Categories” menu item on the left-hand side of your WordPress admin screen, and then click on the “New Category” button.

You will then be prompted to enter a name for your new category, as well as a description of what it contains. You can then add any further subcategories as needed.

When you’re finished, click on the “Save Changes” button to save your new category. You can then use this category to organize all of the posts and pages that fall within its scope.

For example, you could create a “Travel” category for all of the posts about traveling enjoyed on your blog.

If you want to create a new subcategory, just click on the “New Subcategory” button next to the “Categories” menu item, and then enter a name for your new subcategory. You can then add any posts or pages that you want to include under this category.

Finally, you can use the “Categories” menu item to toggle between the list of all of your categories, as well as the list of all of your subcategories. This is a handy tool if you want to find a specific post or page that falls within the scope of a particular category or subcategory.