How Do I Create an Invoice on WordPress?

Creating an invoice on WordPress is simple. First, create a new file in your WordPress site and name it invoice.

php. Inside this file, you will need to include the following code:.

setDate( $date ); // Set the amount of the invoice. $invoice->setAmount( 100 ); // Add a note to the invoice. $invoice->addNote( ‘This is a sample invoice.’ ); // Send the invoice. $invoice->send(); ?>.

Next, you will need to create a template file for your invoice. This template file will include the basic formatting for your invoice.

To create this file, open templates/invoice.php and add the following code:.


This is a sample invoice.

getName(); ?>’>
getEmail(); ?>’>
getTelephone(); ?>’>


getName(); ?>’>
getEmail(); ?>’>
getTelephone(); ?>’>