How Do I Create an Admission Form in WordPress?

Admission forms in WordPress can be created in a few simple steps. First, create a new file in your WordPress site and name it “admission.

php.” Within this file, add the following code:.

Please provide your name and email address to be added to our mailing list.



Next, create a new file in your WordPress site and name it “contact.php.” Within this file, add the following code:

echo ‘

Please provide your name and email address to be contacted about future events.


Finally, within the “admission.php” file, add the following code to create the form:


Now, create a new file in your WordPress site and name it “submit.” Within this file, add the following code:

echo ‘




Now, in your “contact.php” file, add the following code to create a form action:


Finally, in your “submit.php” file, add the following code to submit the form:


Now, you’re finished! Your admission form should look like the following:.