How Do I Create a WordPress Package?

Creating a WordPress package is a two-step process:

1. Create a folder for your package and add all the files and folders you’ll need.

2. Upload the package to your WordPress site using the WordPress Package Manager

If you’re just starting out, you can use the WordPress Package Manager to create and upload your package. To do so, first create a new folder for your package and add all the files and folders you’ll need.

Then, use the WordPress Package Manager to upload the package to your WordPress site.

To learn more about the WordPress Package Manager, visit the website.

Once you’ve created and uploaded your package, you’re ready to start marketing your package to WordPress users.

The final step is to install the package on your WordPress site and start marketing it to WordPress users. To do so, simply add the package to your WordPress site using the WordPress Package Manager and start marketing it to WordPress users.


Creating a WordPress package is a two-step process: first, create a folder for your package and add all the files and folders you’ll need; then, use the WordPress Package Manager to upload the package to your WordPress site. Once you’ve created and uploaded your package, you’re ready to start marketing your package to WordPress users.