How Do I Create a WordPress Event Page?

Creating an event page on WordPress is a quick and easy way to manage your events. You can use it to update attendees on the latest information, post photos and videos, and track participation and donations.

To create an event page, first create a new page in your WordPress site. You can name it anything you like, but make sure to include the event’s date and time.

Next, add the following code to your page’s header:

This code sets up the basic formatting for your event page. You’ll want to add some additional styling to make your page look professional.

To style your page, add the following code to your page’s header:

This code sets the font size for the event title. You can also add a heading and other text to your page using the .

title class.

To add a photo or video to your event page, first add the file to your site. You can use any photo or video hosting service, like Flickr or YouTube.

Then, add the following code to your page’s header:

post_title ); ?>’ ); ?>” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>

This code adds a video to your event page. The ?php wp_iframe_url( ‘http://www.

com/embed/post_title ); ?>’ ); ?> part of the code calls the WordPress function to find the location of the video file on your site. The ?php frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen> line displays the video in an iframe on your page.

To add a donation link to your event page, first add the following code to your page’s header:

  • post_title ); ?>’ ); ?> ); ?>”>Like
  • This code adds a link to your event’s Facebook page. The ?php echo esc_url( wp_get_active_facebook_event( ‘post_title ); ?>’ ); ?> ); ?> line displays the Facebook event’s URL in the event’s title bar.

    Finally, add a conclusion at the bottom of your article about how to create a WordPress event page.