How Do I Create a Subscription Box in WordPress?

Creating a subscription box in WordPress is easy. Start by creating a new folder in your WordPress site and name it “subscriptions.

” Within this folder, create a new file called “box.php” and add the following code:.

‘Your Subscription Box Name’, ‘description’ => ‘Your Description of the Box’, ‘price’ => ‘Your Price per Month’, ‘auto_renew’ => ‘Yes’, ‘subscribed’ => ‘Yes’, ‘unsubscribed’ => ‘No’, ‘created’ => ‘0000-00-00′, ‘modified’ => ‘0000-00-00′, ‘status’ => ‘Active’, ‘country’ => ‘US’, ‘language’ => ‘English’, ‘contact_form’ => ‘contact-form.php’, ‘facebook_link’ => ‘

php? ) )); ?>.

The first few lines of this file are important. In particular, you need to set the value for the “name” parameter to the name of your subscription box. You also need to set the values for the other parameters. The most important of these is the “price” parameter.

This specifies the price per month for your subscription box. The remaining parameters specify how your subscription box should be configured.

The “auto_renew” parameter should be set to “Yes” if you want your subscribers to be automatically renewed each month. The “subscribed” and “unsubscribed” parameters should be set to “Yes” to indicate that your subscribers are subscribed and unsubscribed, respectively.

The “created” and “modified” parameters should be set to the date and time that your subscription box was created and last modified, respectively. Finally, the “status” parameter should be set to “Active” to indicate that your subscription box is currently active.

The final parameter is the “country” parameter. This specifies the country in which your subscription box should be available. The “language” parameter should be set to “English” to indicate the language of your subscription box.

The “contact_form” parameter should be set to the URL of the contact form that your subscribers will use to contact you. The “facebook_link” parameter should be set to the URL of your Facebook page.

The last line of the file specifies the URL for the “contact-form.php” file.

This is the contact form that your subscribers will use to contact you.