How Do I Create a Site Structure in WordPress?

Creating a site structure in WordPress is fairly easy. First, create a new folder called “sites” in your WordPressdirectory. Within this newfolder, create a new folder called “default”. Within the defaultfolder, create a new folder called “site”. Within the site folder, create a new folder called “content”. Within the content folder, create a new folder called “pages”.

Within the pages folder, create a new folder called “blog”. Within the blog folder, create a new folder called “single”. Within the single folder, create a new folder called “post”. Within the post folder, create a new folder called “index.php”. Within the index.php file, create the following code:.

This code will create a default configuration for your WordPress site. Next, you will need to create a page in your WordPress site called “about”. To do this, go to the Pages > Blog > Single > Post > About page and type the following code into the text area:

About Me

Finally, you will need to create a post in your WordPress site called “sample post”. To do this, go to the Pages > Blog > Single > Post > Sample post page and type the following code into the text area:

Now, you are ready to create your site structure. To do this, first create a new file called “template-site.php” in your content folder and add the following code to it:

This template file will create a basic WordPress site structure. Next, you will need to create a file called “template-pages.php” in your content folder and add the following code to it:

This template file will create a basic WordPress site structure. Finally, you will need to create a file called “template-blog. Finally, you will need to create a file called “template-pages-blog. Finally, you will need to create a file called “template-blog-pages.php” in your content folder and add the following code to it: