How Do I Create a Searchable Table in WordPress?

Creating a searchable table in WordPress can be a daunting task, but with a few simple steps, it’s easy to get started.

First, create a new table in your WordPress blog by clicking on the “Create a new table” link in the Tables menu.

Next, select the “Searchable” option from the table options menu.

Now, you’ll need to enter a few crucial details about your table. First, specify the name of your table (in this example, we’ll call our table “Products”), and then select the “Searchable” option.

Next, you’ll need to specify a search term (in this example, we’ll use “Macbook”) and a category (in this example, we’ll use “Computer”).

Finally, you’ll need to specify a column name and a column type. In this example, we’ll use the column name “SKU” and the column type “Text”.

Now, you’re ready to start adding your table data! To add a new row to your table, simply enter the data you want to include in that row, and then select the “Add to table” button.

To add a new column to your table, click on the “Add new column” button, and then enter the data you want to include in that column.

To delete a row or column from your table, select the row or column you want to delete, and then click on the “Delete” button.

Finally, you’re finished! To view your table in all its searchable glory, simply use the search feature in the WordPress blog’s navigation menu.