How Do I Create a Primary and Secondary Menu in WordPress?

Creating a primary and secondary menu in WordPress is a simple process. To begin, open your WordPress admin panel and go to the Appearance tab.

You’ll see a section called Menus. Click on the Add New Menu button and fill out the form as follows:.

Name: Primary Menu

Description: This is the primary menu. It is the first menu that WordPress displays and it includes all of the posts and pages in your blog.

Location: The Primary Menu will be located at the top of your blog.

Parent Menu: This is the secondary menu. It is a sub-menu of the Primary Menu and it will list all of the posts and pages in your blog that are child menus of the Primary Menu.

Click on the Save button to create your Primary and Secondary Menu.

Now that you have created your Primary and Secondary Menu, you need to configure it. Open the WordPress admin panel and go to the Appearance tab. Click on the Primary Menu button and you’ll see the following screen:.

On the left side of the screen, you’ll see the Posts and Pages sections. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see the Child Menus section.

In the Posts and Pages section, you can add, delete, and rename posts and pages. In the Child Menus section, you can add, delete, and rename child menus.

To add a new menu, click on the Add New Menu button and fill out the form as follows:

Name: Secondary Menu

Description: This is the secondary menu. It is a sub-menu of the Primary Menu and it will list all of the posts and pages in your blog that are child menus of the Secondary Menu.

Location: The Secondary Menu will be located at the bottom of your blog.

Parent Menu: This is the primary menu. It is a sub-menu of the Secondary Menu and it will list all of the posts and pages in your blog that are child menus of the Primary Menu. Click on the Secondary Menu button and you’ll see the following screen:.

Name: Child Menu

Description: This is a child menu of the Secondary Menu. It will list all of the posts and pages in your blog that are not child menus of the Secondary Menu.

Location: The Child Menu will be located at the bottom of your blog. It is a sub-menu of the Child Menu and it will list all of the posts and pages in your blog that are not child menus of the Secondary Menu. Click on the Child Menu button and you’ll see the following screen:. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see the Posts and Pages sections.

In the Posts and Pages sections, you can add, delete, and rename posts and pages. In the Posts and Pages sections, you can add, delete, and rename child menus.

Description: This is a child menu of the Child Menu. It will list all of the posts and pages in your blog that are not child menus of the Child Menu.

Now that you have created your Primary and Secondary Menu, you can configure it. Open the WordPress admin panel and go.