How Do I Create a Price Plan in WordPress?

Creating a price plan in WordPress is a fairly simple process, assuming you have the basics of WordPress set up. The first step is to create a new custom post type.

You can name this whatever you like, but we’ll call it “Price Plan.”.

Once you’ve created the Price Plan post type, you’ll need to create a custom taxonomy. In this example, we’ll call it “Products.”

Next, you’ll need to create a custom field in your Price Plan post type for each of your product categories. In our example, we’ll have three categories: Basic, Plus, and Pro. The fields you’ll need are:

Name: The name of the category

Price: The price of the product in your category

Taxonomy: The taxonomy for this category in WordPress

Next, you’ll need to set up your price plan template. In our example, we’ll use the Twenty Thirteen theme, so we’ll need to add the following line to our theme’s functions.php file:

add_action( ‘init’, ‘your_theme_name_function_name’);

Now, we need to create our price plan template. In our example, we’ll use the Twenty Thirteen theme, so we’ll need to add the following line to our theme’s header.php file:

Finally, we need to create our price plan.php file:

function your_theme_name_function_name() { // Your price plan template goes here }

Now, we’ll need to add a few content pieces to our Price Plan post type. In our example, we’ll add the following pieces of content:

1. A basic product overview section

2. A plus product overview section

3. A pro product overview section

Now, we’ll add a price plan to our Price Plan post type. In the “Price Plan” metabox on the left side of the WordPress editor, we’ll enter the following information:

1. The name of our price plan (in this example, “Basic”)

2. The price of our basic product (in this example, $9.99)

3. The taxonomy for our basic product (in this example, “Products”)

4. The price of our plus product (in this example, $14.99)

5. The taxonomy for our plus product (in this example, “Products”)

6. The price of our pro product (in this example, $29.99)

7. The taxonomy for our pro product (in this example, “Products”)

8. The slug for our price plan (in this example, “Basic”)

9. The title of our price plan (in this example, “Basic Price Plan”)

10. The excerpt for our price plan (in this example, “This is the basic price plan for products in the ‘Products’ taxonomy”)

Now, we’ll add a product to our Price Plan post type. In the “Products” metabox on the left side of the WordPress editor, we’ll enter the following information:

1. The name of our product (in this example, “Basic Shoe”)

2. The price of our product (in this example, $24. The taxonomy for our product (in this example, “Products”)

4. The slug for our product (in this example, “Basic Shoe”)

5. The excerpt for our product (in this example, “This is the basic price for a shoe in the ‘Products’ taxonomy”)

Now, we’ll add a plus product to our Price Plan post type. The name of our plus product (in this example, “Plus Shoe”)

2. The price of our plus product (in this example, $39. The taxonomy for our plus.