How Do I Create a PHP Search in WordPress?

One of the most popular WordPress themes is the WooThemes framework. It comes with a powerful search feature that allows you to easily find any post or page in your WordPress website.

To use the search feature, go to your WordPress website’s admin area and click on the “Appearance” link in the sidebar. Then, under the “Posts” section, click on the “Search” button.

On the search form, you’ll need to enter a search query. For example, if you want to find all the posts about travel, you could type “travel” into the search field.

Once you’ve entered your search query, WordPress will display a list of results. You can click on any of the results to view the post or page that corresponds to it.

If you want to see all the posts about travel that have been published on your WordPress website, you could type “travel” into the search field and click on the “All Posts” button. WordPress will display a list of all the posts that have been published on your website, including posts that have been deleted or posts that have been unpublished.

Once you’ve selected the post or page you want to view, you can click on the “View Post” button to view the post or page in full.

If you want to search for a specific word or phrase, you can use the “Word Match” feature. This allows you to enter two words or phrases and WordPress will search for any posts or pages that include both words or phrases.

For example, if you want to find all the posts that mention the word “travel,” you could type “travel” into the search field and click on the “Word Match” button. WordPress will display a list of all the posts that include the word “travel” in their title or body text.

You can also use the “Advanced Search” feature to search for specific keywords or phrases. This allows you to enter a list of keywords or phrases and WordPress will display a list of all the posts that include any of the keywords or phrases in their title or body text.

You can also use the “Exact Match” feature to search for posts that include only a specific word or phrase. This allows you to enter a list of words or phrases and WordPress will display a list of only the posts that include each of the words or phrases in their title or body text.

If you want to search for a specific post or page, you can use the “Post/Page ID” feature. This allows you to enter the post or page ID of the post or page you want to find.

For example, if you want to find the post that corresponds to the search query “travel,” you could type “travel” into the search field and click on the “Post/Page ID” button. WordPress will display the post ID for the post that corresponds to the search query.

You can also use the “Date/Time Match” feature to search for posts that were published at a specific time or date. This allows you to enter the date or time of the post you want to find.

For example, if you want to find the post that was published the day after tomorrow, you could type “tomorrow” into the search field and click on the “Date/Time Match” button. WordPress will display the post ID for the post that was published two days after the current date.

You can also use the “Author Match” feature to search for posts that were authored by a specific person. This allows you to enter the author’s name or URL.

For example, if you want to find the post that was authored by WooThemes founder Matt Mullenweg, you could type “” into the search field and click on the “Author Match” button.

WordPress will display the post ID for the post that was authored by Matt Mullenweg.


WordPress’s powerful search feature makes it easy to find any post or page on your website. By using the “Word Match” and “Date/Time Match” features, you can even search for posts that were published at a specific time or date.