How Do I Create a Page Structure in WordPress?

Creating a page structure in WordPress is a pretty simple process. You’ll first need to create a new page in your WordPress site and give it a name. (For example, “My Site Page”).

Within that page, you’ll want to create a folder for your posts and pages. For example, I might create a folder called “Posts” and place my posts in there.

Once you’ve created your folder and placed your posts in it, you’ll want to create a new file called “page.php” within that folder. Within that file, you’ll want to include the following code:


* The WordPress Page Template


define( ‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’, get_template_directory_uri() );

define( ‘WP_USE_THEMES’, true );


require_once( ‘./includes/page.

php’ );.

In this code, we’re defining some basic settings for our page template. First, we’re setting the WP_CONTENT_DIR to be the same as the directory in which we placed our posts.

Next, we’re setting WP_USE_THEMES to be true so that our page looks nice and colorful.

Now, we need to create our main content area. Within the WordPress Page Template file, you’ll want to create a

tag and name it “content”. Within that
tag, you’ll want to place the following code:

This code will simply output the title of the post/page. Next, we’ll need to create a

tag and name it “heading1″. Within that

tag, we’ll want to place the following code:

This will again output the title of the post/page. Finally, we’ll need to create a

tag and name it “heading2″. Within that

tag, we’ll want to place the following code:

echo get_the_excerpt();

This will output the excerpt for the post/page.

Now that we’ve created our structure, we need to add some content to our posts. To do this, we’ll need to go to the Posts folder in our WordPress site and find the post that we want to modify.

Once we’ve found the post, we’ll want to click on the “Content” tab located in the right sidebar. Within that tab, we’ll want to enter the following code:.

This will once again output the title of the post/page. Next, we’ll want to enter the following code:


This will output the content for the post/page. Finally, we’ll want to add a

tag to the end of the post/page and place the following code within it:

This will wrap up our post/page.

That’s all there is to it! You now have a basic page structure in WordPress. Be sure to add additional content as needed and then edit the code within the page.

php file to reflect your changes.


In this code, we’re defining some basic settings for our page template. Next, we’re setting WP_USE_THEMES to be true so that our page looks nice and.