How Do I Create a Multilingual WordPress Site Without Plugins?

Creating a multilingual WordPress site without plugins is possible, but it requires some effort. First, you’ll need to install the WordPress multilingual plugin.

This plugin will allow you to translate posts, pages, and themes into additional languages.

Once you have the multilingual plugin installed, you’ll need to configure it. First, you’ll need to select which languages you want to translate.

Next, you’ll need to decide which posts, pages, and themes you want to translate. Finally, you’ll need to select the language files you want to use.

Once you have configured the multilingual plugin, you’ll need to create the translation files. To do this, you’ll need to create a folder for each language, and then create translation files for each post, page, and theme.

Additionally, you’ll need to create a .po file for each language, and a .

mo file for each language. These files will contain the translation of the WordPress content.

Finally, you’ll need to upload the translation files and the .po and .

mo files to your site. You can do this using FTP or SFTP, or you can use the WordPress Multilingual Plugin’s upload function.

Once you have uploaded the files, you’ll need to activate the multilingual plugin. You can do this by going to the plugin’s settings page, and entering the language codes for the languages you want to translate.

Once the multilingual plugin is activated, you’ll need to translate the WordPress content. You can do this by going to the post, page, or theme you want to translate, and clicking the “Translate This” button.

Once you have translated the content, you’ll need to publish the translations. You can do this by going to the “Publish” button, and entering the language codes for the languages you want to publish.

Finally, you’ll need to test the translations. You can do this by going to the “Test” button, and entering the language codes for the languages you want to test.

If everything goes according to plan, you’ll have a multilingual WordPress site without any plugins!.