How Do I Create a Location Locator in WordPress?

Location locators are incredibly popular on the web, and WordPress is no exception. If you need to find a location for a blog post or a website, WordPress makes it easy to create a location locator.

To create a location locator in WordPress, first go to the location editor in your WordPress admin area. Then, click on the Add New Location button.

Next, enter the name of your location in the Name field. You can also enter a specific address or latitude and longitude.

WordPress will use these values to generate a map of your location.

If you want to add a photo of your location, you can do so by clicking on the Add Photo button. WordPress will then search for a photo that matches the name you entered in the Name field.

If WordPress doesn’t find a photo matching the name, it will display a dialog box asking you to upload one.

Once you’ve added your location and photo, click on the Save Location button. WordPress will generate a location ID and a location URL.

You can use these values to share your location with others.


Creating a location locator in WordPress is easy and can be a great way to share your location with others.