How Do I Create a Free Client Portal in WordPress?

Creating a free client portal in WordPress is simple and can be done in just a few minutes. The first step is to create a new WordPress site.

Once the site is created, the next step is to create a new file called client.php and paste the following code into it:.

Next, create a new file called functions.php and paste the following code into it:

* The WordPress client portal plugin functions.

function wcp_client_portal() {

global $wp_client_portal;

$args = array(

‘name’ => ‘Client Portal’,

‘description’ => __( ‘A free client portal for WordPress sites.’ ),

‘static’ => true,

‘auto_add_pages’ => true,

‘auto_add_posts’ => true,

‘logo’ => __( ‘Client Portal – WordPress Site Client Portal Plugin.png’ ),

‘active’ => true,

‘header_image’ => ‘header_image.png’,

‘footer_image’ => ‘footer_image.png’,

‘home’ => true,

‘contact’ => true,

‘user_level’ => 3,

‘auth_plugin’ => ‘auth_plugin’,

‘ajax_url’ => ‘ajax_url’,

‘request_token’ => ‘request_token’,

‘member_level’ => 2,

‘request_token_secret’ => ‘request_token_secret’,

‘enable_comments’ => true,

‘title’ => __( ‘Client Portal – WordPress Site Client Portal Plugin’ ),

‘description’ => __( ‘This plugin provides a free client portal for WordPress sites. It allows users to manage their posts, pages, and comments from one place.’ ),

‘contact_form_id’ => ‘contact-form-7′,

‘logged_in_users_count’ => 0,

‘translations’ => array(

‘request_token_field’ => __( ‘Request Token’, ‘wp-client-portal’ ),

‘request_token_secret_field’ => __( ‘Request Token Secret’, ‘wp-client-portal’ ),


‘debug’ => false,

‘load_translations’ => true,

‘version’ => ‘1.0.0’,

‘show_admin_bar’ => true,

‘request_token_secret_field’ => ‘request_token_secret’,

register_activation_hook( ‘wp_client_portal’, ‘init’ );


The first function is wcp_client_portal(). This function registers the client portal plugin with WordPress.

The second function, init(), is called when the plugin is activated. This function sets up the plugin and registers the various hooks that the plugin uses.

The next step is to create the structure of the client portal. To do this, create a new file called client.php and paste the following code into it:

* The WordPress client portal.

class ClientPortal {

* The main constructor.

public function __construct() {

* Gets the current user’s login credentials.

public function getLoginCredentials() {

* Gets the list of posts for the current user.

public function getPostsForUser() {

* Gets the list of pages for the current user.

public function getPagesForUser() {

* Gets the list of comments for the current user.

public function getCommentsForUser() {

* Get the current user’s name.

public function getUserName() {

return get_user_name();

The class contains the following functions: getLoginCredentials(), getPostsForUser(), getPagesForUser(), getCommentsFor.