How Do I Create a Folder on My WordPress Site?

Creating a folder on your WordPress site is easy. First, open your WordPress admin area. Next, click on the “sites” menu item. On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see a list of all of your active WordPress sites. Click on the name of the site that you want to work with. Next, click on the “files” menu item. This will open the files menu for the site. Click on the “folders” icon. This will open the folders menu.

On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a list of all of the folders that are present on the site. Click on the “create new folder” icon. This will open the “create new folder” dialog box. In the “name” field, type the name of the folder. In the “path” field, type the path to the folder. For example, if the folder is located at the root of your WordPress site, type the word “root” in the “path” field. Click on the “create” button. The folder will be created and the “create new folder” dialog box will be closed.

Now that the folder has been created, you will need to add some content to it. To do this, click on the “files” menu item and then click on the “upload files” icon. This will open the “upload files” dialog box. In the “files” field, type the path to the file that you want to add to the folder.

For example, if the file is located at the root of your WordPress site, type the word “root” in the “files” field. Click on the “upload” button. The file will be uploaded to the folder and the “upload files” dialog box will be closed.

Now that the file is in the folder, you will need to add a link to the file from your WordPress site. To do this, click on the “files” menu item and then click on the “links” icon. This will open the “links” dialog box. In the “link” field, type the path to the file.

For example, if the file is located at the root of your WordPress site, type the word “root” in the “link” field. Click on the “create link” button. The link will be created and the “links” dialog box will be closed.

Now that the link is present on your WordPress site, visitors will be able to access the file from the folder that you created.