How Do I Create a Floating Menu in WordPress?

Creating a floating menu in WordPress is easy. First, create a new child theme and activate it.

Then, go to the Appearance > Menus page and select the Add New Menu option. Type in the name of your new menu, such as “Home”, and select the WordPress default menu as the parent. Click the Add New Item button and enter the following information:.

Name: Home

Type: Menu

Parent: WordPress Default Menu

Once you’ve made your changes, click the Save Menu button. Next, go to the Appearance > Widgets page and add a widget to the Home menu. Enter the following information:

Widget Area: Home

Now that you’ve created your floating menu, you need to configure it. Go to the Pages > menu item and change the text to “Home”.

Then, go to the Appearance > Menus page and select the Home menu as the child menu. Finally, go to the Appearance > Widgets page and add a widget to the Home menu. Enter the following information:.

Now your floating menu is ready to use! You can add items to it just like you would any other WordPress menu. To conclude, creating a floating menu in WordPress is easy and can be a great way to organize your website.