How Do I Create a Dynamic Testimonial in WordPress?

Creating a dynamic testimonial in WordPress can be a bit tricky, but with a bit of creativity and a little bit of coding, it can be done. The first step is to create a custom post type. This can be done by going to Plugins > Add New and selecting the Testimonial post type.

Next, you will need to add a field to the post type called testimonial. This field will be used to hold the testimonial content.

The next step is to create the testimonial content. This can be done by entering the text into the testimonial field and selecting a template from the WordPress Theme Gallery or by creating a custom template.

Once the testimonial content is ready, it is time to add the testimonial excerpt. This can be done by selecting the excerpt option from the field and entering the desired text.

The last step is to add the testimonial to the post. This can be done by clicking on the edit button and entering the desired content into the body of the post.

Once the testimonial is added, the final step is to publish the post.