How Do I Create a Drop Down Text in WordPress?

The quickest way to create a drop-down text in WordPress is to use the built-in function “wp_dropdown_text”. To do this, you first need to create a “text” widget and give it a name (e.

g. “my_dropdown_text”). Then, you can use the following code to create your drop-down:.

__( ‘Select a Category’ ), ‘slug’ => ‘cat’, ‘subcategories’ => array( array( ‘id’ => ‘1’, ‘label’ => __( ‘First Category’ ), ‘title’ => ‘First Category’ ), array( ‘id’ => ‘2’, ‘label’ => __( ‘Second Category’ ), ‘title’ => ‘Second Category’ ), ), ), ‘ choices’ => array( ‘First Category’ => ‘First Category’, ‘Second Category’ => ‘Second Category’ ), ‘subcategories’ => true, ‘open’ => false, ‘closed’ => false ) ); ?>

The first argument is the name of the “text” widget (e.g. The second argument is an array of key-value pairs (e. “title” => “Select a Category”). The third argument is the slug for the drop-down (e. “cat”). The fourth argument is an array of subcategories (e. “First Category” => array(“id” => “1”, “label” => “First Category”, “title” => “First Category”)), “Second Category” => array(“id” => “2”, “label” => “Second Category”, “title” => “Second Category”)). The fifth argument is whether the drop-down should be open or closed (“open” => false, “closed” => false).