How Do I Create a Downloadable PDF Link in WordPress?

Creating downloadable PDF files in WordPress is easy. All you need is a plugin and a few simple settings.

The following plugin, PDF2WordPress, does all the work for you.

To create a downloadable PDF file in WordPress, first install the PDF2WordPress plugin. Then open your WordPress site in your browser. On the main WordPress screen, click the “Plugins” link in the upper-left corner.

Then, under the “Plugins” menu, click the “PDF2WordPress” plugin. Finally, click the “Settings” link in the upper-right corner.

In the PDF2WordPress plugin’s Settings screen, you’ll see two settings that you need to modify. The first is the “PDF Output” setting.

This setting tells PDF2WordPress what format to create the downloadable PDF file in. You can choose from a variety of formats, including PDF, DjVu, and DOCX.

The second setting you need to modify is the “Downloadable PDF Link” setting. This setting tells PDF2WordPress where to create the downloadable PDF file.

You can choose to create the file on your WordPress site’s server, or you can have PDF2WordPress create a temporary file and then transfer the file to your WordPress site.

Once you’ve modified the settings, click the “Save Settings” button. Finally, click the “Activate” button to activate the plugin.

Now, you’ll need to configure your WordPress site’s settings to allow users to download the PDF files. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s wp-config.php file and add the following line of code to the end of the file:

define( ‘PDF_DOWNLOADABLE_LINK’, true );

If you want users to be able to download the PDF files even if they don’t have the PDF2WordPress plugin installed, add the following line of code to your site’s wp-config.php file:

Finally, you need to configure your site’s theme to use the PDF2WordPress plugin’s default settings. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s theme folder and open the file named template-pdf2WordPress.

php. At the top of the file, add the following line of code:.

Now, your site will use the PDF2WordPress plugin’s default settings to create downloadable PDF files.


Creating downloadable PDF files in WordPress is easy with the help of the PDF2WordPress plugin. Simply install the plugin, modify the settings, and configure your WordPress site’s settings to allow users to download the files.