How Do I Create a Double Sidebar in WordPress?

Creating a double sidebar in WordPress can be a bit tricky, but not impossible. There are a few different ways to do it, and the best way for your particular situation will depend on a few factors.

The first thing you’ll want to do is create two new pages in your WordPress site. You can name them whatever you like, but for the purposes of this tutorial we’ll call them “Sidebar 1″ and “Sidebar 2.”

Next, you’ll want to go to your WordPress Dashboard and open up the “Pages” tab. Here, you’ll want to click on the “Add New” button and enter the following information into the “Page Title” field:

“Sidebar 1″

“Sidebar 2″

Next, you’ll want to click on the “Add New” button again and enter the following information into the “Page Content” field:

Sidebar 1

This is the content for the first sidebar. It will simply contain a list of all of the posts in your main blog post list.

You can add as many posts as you like, but be sure to keep the sidebar’s width at a minimum of 600 pixels so that it doesn’t get too crowded on your blog page.

Sidebar 2

This is the content for the second sidebar. It will contain a single post from your main blog post list, which will be displayed in a larger font than the other posts in the sidebar.

Now that you’ve created your two sidebars, it’s time to configure them. To do this, you’ll first want to go back to your WordPress Dashboard and open up the “Appearance” tab.

Here, you’ll want to click on the “Sidebar” button and select the “Sidebar 1″ sidebar.

Next, you’ll want to click on the “Font” button and select the “Large” font option.

Finally, you’ll want to click on the “CSS” button and enter the following code into the “Style” field:

.sidebar1 { font-size: 90%; }

.sidebar2 { font-size: 60%; }

Now that your sidebar styles are set, it’s time to add your post content. To do this, you’ll once again go to your WordPress Dashboard and open up the “Posts” tab. Here, you’ll click on the “Add New” button and enter the following information into the “Title” field:

Sidebar 1: A List of Posts from My Main Blog

This is the title for the first post in the sidebar, which will be displayed in the large font you defined in the sidebar styles.

Next, you’ll want to add the post content. To do this, you’ll click on the “Post” button and enter the following information into the “Title” field:

Sidebar 2: A Single Post from My Main Blog

This is the title for the post in the sidebar, which will be displayed in the regular font that you defined in the sidebar styles.

Now that you’ve added your post content, it’s time to save your changes and preview your site. To do this, you’ll once again go to your WordPress Dashboard and click on the “Preview” button.

If everything looks good, you’re ready to go live with your new double sidebar! To do this, you’ll simply click on the “Publish” button and your new sidebar will be live on your blog page.