How Do I Create a Docker Container in WordPress?

Creating a WordPress Docker container is fairly straightforward. The first step is to create a Dockerfile.

This file contains all of the information needed to create a WordPress container. The Dockerfile looks like this:.

FROM WordPress:3.5.1

RUN wp-config-editor –local

COPY wp-content/themes/default/templates/header.php /var/www/html

COPY wp-content/themes/default/templates/footer.php /var/www/html

WORKDIR /var/www/html

docker-compose up

This Dockerfile sets up the WordPress container using the latest version of WordPress (3.1) and installs the necessary dependencies.

The next step is to create a Dockerfile for the WordPress site. This file will be different because it will contain the information needed to create the WordPress site inside of a container. The Dockerfile for the site looks like this:.

COPY wp-content/themes/default/site.php /var/www/html/

COPY wp-content/themes/default/style.css /var/www/html/

This Dockerfile sets up the WordPress site using the same commands as the Dockerfile for the container, but it creates the site files in a new directory ( /var/www/html ). The final step is to create a Dockerfile for the blog post.

This file will contain the information needed to create a WordPress blog post inside of a container. The Dockerfile for the blog post looks like this:.

COPY wp-content/posts/1/

COPY wp-content/posts/1/style.css

This Dockerfile sets up the WordPress blog post using the same commands as the Dockerfile for the container, but it creates the blog post files in a new directory ( /var/www/html/posts/1 ). Finally, you can create a WordPress container using the following command:

docker-compose up -d

This command will create a container using the latest version of WordPress, install the necessary dependencies, and set up the container to run in the background. You can then access the container using the following command:

docker-compose ps

This command will list all of the containers that are running on the machine. The output of this command will look something like this:


c5d37a7f5c2 WordPress:3.1 “docker-compose up -d” About a minute ago Up About a minute 0.0.0:8080->8080/tcp, 0.

0:5000->5000/tcp, 0.0:443->443/tcp, 0.0:8000->8000/tcp wp-container.

You can access the WordPress site using the following command:.