How Do I Create a Custom Widget in WordPress Codex?

Creating a custom widget in WordPress Codex is easy. In fact, it’s just a matter of following a few simple steps.

First, you’ll need to find the widget you want to create. You can find widgets by searching for them or browsing the WordPress Codex widget library.

Once you’ve found the widget you want to create, you’ll need to create a new file. To do this, click on the “New File” button on the toolbar and enter the following information:

Name: widget_name

File Type: PHP

Next, you’ll need to create the code for the widget. To do this, open the widget_name.php file and enter the following code:

add( ‘my_widget_name’ , array (

‘name’ => ‘My Custom Widget’ ,




Next, you’ll need to include the WP_Widget_Manager class in your code. To do this, add the following line to your file:

Finally, you’ll need to create a function that will display the widget. To do this, add the following code to your file:

function my_widget_name() {


Now, you’re ready to display your custom widget. To do this, enter the following code into your blog’s header:



Your custom widget is now ready to use!.