How Do I Create a Custom Route in WordPress?

Creating a custom route in WordPress is simple. First, you will need to create a route file.

The route file is located in the wp-content/themes/yourtheme/ route folder. To create a custom route, open the route file in a text editor and add the following code:.

Route::get(‘your_route_name’, ‘function_that_will_handle_the_request’);

Next, you will need to create the function that will handle the request. To do this, open the functions.php file in your WordPress theme and add the following code:

function your_route_name() { // your code here }

Finally, you will need to register the function in the WordPress theme’s register() function. To do this, open the register() function in your theme and add the following code:

register_function(‘your_route_name’, ‘your_function_that_will_handle_the_request’);

That’s it! Your custom route is now ready to be used in your WordPress theme. To use the route, you will need to include the following line in your theme’s header() function:


And then you will need to use the route in your theme’s content files. For example, you can use the route to provide a custom 404 page. To do this, add the following line to your theme’s header() function:


And then use the route’s get() function to get the appropriate 404 page:

get_option(‘page_template’, ‘404.php’);.