How Do I Create a Custom Post Type Portfolio in WordPress?

Creating a custom post type portfolio in WordPress is a fairly straightforward process. First, you’ll need to create a new post type.

To do this, open the WordPress admin panel and click on the Posts menu item. Then, click on the Add New Post Type button.

Enter the name of your new post type in the text field that appears and click on the OK button. Next, you’ll need to add a few settings to your new post type.

First, you’ll need to specify the taxonomy in which your portfolio post type will be located. To do this, click on the Taxonomy tab and enter portfolio in the text field that appears.

Next, you’ll need to specify the post type context. This setting determines the default settings for your portfolio post type. To create a default post type context for your portfolio, click on the Settings tab and enter the following information:

Title: This field will be used to display the title of your portfolio post.

This field will be used to display the title of your portfolio post. Description: This field will be used to provide a brief description of your portfolio.

This field will be used to provide a brief description of your portfolio. Taxonomies: This field will allow you to select the taxonomy in which your portfolio posts will be listed.

This field will allow you to select the taxonomy in which your portfolio posts will be listed. slug: This field will be used to create the slug for your portfolio posts.

Once you’ve added these settings, you’ll need to create your first portfolio post. To do this, click on the Posts tab and then click on the Add New Post button.

Enter the following information into the text field that appears and click on the Publish button.

Once your first portfolio post has been published, you’ll need to add a few additional settings to your post type. First, you’ll need to specify the portfolio posts category.

To do this, click on the Categories tab and enter portfolio in the text field that appears.

Next, you’ll need to specify the portfolio posts order. To do this, click on the Ordering tab and enter ASC in the text field that appears.

Finally, you’ll need to specify the portfolio posts excerpt. To do this, click on the excerpt tab and enter a brief description of your portfolio post in the text field that appears.

Once you’ve added these settings, you’re ready to create your portfolio post content.


Creating a custom post type portfolio in WordPress is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few minutes. By specifying the taxonomy in which your portfolio posts will be listed, the post type context, the order in which your portfolio posts will be listed, and the excerpt for your portfolio posts, you’ll be able to create a well-organized and informative portfolio.