How Do I Create a Custom Post Category Image in WordPress?

Creating a custom post category image in WordPress is easy. Start by going to your post’s category page and clicking on the “Images” tab.

From here, you’ll be able to upload an image using the provided upload form. Once you’ve uploaded your image, you’ll need to add a title and description to it, and then save it to your post’s media library. Next, you’ll need to add a link to your image in the post’s content, and then you’re ready to go!.

To add a custom post category image to a post, follow these simple steps:

1. Go to your post’s category page and click on the “Images” tab.

2. From here, you’ll be able to upload an image using the provided upload form.


4. Next, you’ll need to add a link to your image in the post’s content.

5. Finally, you’re ready to go!.