How Do I Create a Custom Archive Page in WordPress?

Creating a custom archive page in WordPress is a fairly simple process. First, you will need to create a new archive page in the WordPress admin area.

Once you have created the new archive page, you will need to add a new custom post type to the page.

Once you have added the new custom post type, you will need to create a new archive page template. The archive page template will contain all of the necessary code to create a custom archive page in WordPress.

To finish creating the custom archive page in WordPress, you will need to add a few additional pieces of code to the template. The first piece of code will define the custom archive page template.

The second piece of code will define the custom archive page content template. Finally, the third piece of code will define the custom archive page meta data template.

Once you have added all of the necessary code to the custom archive page template, you will need to save the template and publish it to your WordPress site. Once the custom archive page has been published, you will be able to create custom archive pages in WordPress simply by creating new posts that use the custom archive page template.