How Do I Create a Convoal Form in WordPress?

Creating a convoal form in WordPress is relatively easy. First, create a new file in your WordPress site called convoal.

php. This file will contain the basic structure of your form.

Inside the convoal.php file, you’ll need to include the following lines of code:



After these lines of code are included, you’ll need to create a function to handle the form processing. To do this, create a new file called convoal.php and add the following code:

function convoal_form() {
$args = array(
‘post_type’ => ‘convoal’,
‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’,
‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
‘tax_query’ => array(
‘field’ => ‘tax_query’,
‘operator’ => ‘in’,
‘callback’ => ‘convoal_tax_query’
‘custom_fields’ => array(
‘name’ => ‘Name’,
’email’ => ‘Email Address’,
‘message’ => ‘Message’
‘group_by’ => ‘post_type’,
‘order’ => ‘menu_order’,


function convoal_tax_query($tax_query) {
if (!is_tax_query()) {
return $tax_query;

$tax_query = apply_filters( ‘convoal_tax_query’, $tax_query );

$query = new WP_Query();

$query->post_type = ‘convoal';

$query->orderby = ‘menu_order';

$query->tax_query = $tax_query;

$query->query = array();

return $query;

Now, you’ll need to create a function to handle the form submission.php and add the following code:

function convoal_submit() {

if (!is_post_type_approved( ‘convoal’ )) {


$convoal = get_post();

if (!$convoal->post_type) {

$convoal->post_type = ‘convoal';

if (!$convoal->post_status) {

$convoal->post_status = ‘publish';

$convoal->tax_query = convoal_tax_query();

$convoal->custom_fields = convoal_custom_fields();

$convoal->group_by = ‘post_type';

$convoal->order = ‘menu_order';


Now, you’ll need to add a form to your WordPress site. To do this, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_action(‘init’, ‘convoal_form’);

add_action(‘save_post’, ‘convoal_submit’);

Once these additions are made, your form should be ready to use!.