How Do I Create a Content Template in WordPress?

Creating a content template in WordPress is a great way to organize your blog content and make it easier to find and publish new posts.

To create a content template, first you’ll need to create a folder inside your WordPress blog’s content folder. Name the folder template and then create a file inside it called content-template.


The content-template.php file will contain the template’s main template code.

In it, you’ll need to include the WordPress template files and define the template’s basic settings.

First, include the WordPress template files by including the following line in content-template.php:


Next, define the template’s basic settings by including the following line in content-template.php:

define(‘WPBakeryShortCode_CONTENT_TEMPLATE’, ‘template’);

The WPBakeryShortCode_CONTENT_TEMPLATE variable defines the name of the content template file. You can now use the template’s name as the value for the WordPress_CONTENT_TEMPLATE WordPress hook.

To use the template, you’ll need to add a reference to it in your WordPress header file. To do this, add the following line to your WordPress header file:

Then, add the following line to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_shortcode(‘your-template-name’, ‘content-template’);

Finally, add the following line to your blog’s footer file:


Using a content template in WordPress makes it easy to organize your blog posts and make them easier to find.