How Do I Create a Bulleted List in WordPress?

Creating a bulleted list in WordPress is easy. First, create a new list using the list creation screen in WordPress.

Next, add the items to your list using the text editor in WordPress. Finally, use the list formatting options to format your list. Here are some tips for formatting a bulleted list in WordPress:.

– Use dashes to separate items in your list.
– Use an asterisk to mark an item as a bulleted item.
– Use a space between items in your list.
– Use a comma to indicate a line break after each item in your list.

– Use a period to end a bulleted list.
– Use a capital letter to start a new bulleted list.
– Use a lowercase letter to start a new paragraph after a bulleted list.

When you’re finished formatting your list, click the Publish button to save your list and publish it to your WordPress blog.