How Do I Create a Booking Calendar in WordPress?

Creating a booking calendar in WordPress is simple. You first need to create a new calendar template in the WordPress admin area.

You can find the calendar template in the Appearance -> Themes -> Customize -> Calendar category.

Once you have created the new calendar template, you need to add the appropriate fields to it. The first field is the name of the calendar. The second field is the name of the calendar year. The third field is the name of the month. The fourth field is the name of the day.

The fifth field is the title of the event. The sixth field is the start time of the event. The seventh field is the end time of the event. The eighth field is the description of the event.

The final step is to add the calendar to your WordPress website. To do this, you need to add the calendar template to a new page in your website.

You can find the new page in the Pages -> Add New category. Once you have added the calendar template to the new page, you can add the event information to it.